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Hair Analysis and Your Health


A hair tissue mineral analysis is considered a standard test used globally for the biological monitoring of trace elements and toxic metals in humans and animal species. The same technology is used for soil testing and testing of rock samples to detect mineral levels.

Minerals are involved in and are necessary for cellular metabolism, structural support, formation of hormones, nerve conduction, muscular activity, immune functions, anti-oxidant and endocrine activity, enzyme functions, water and acid/alkaline balance and even DNA function. According to the late Dr. Henry Schroeder, trace elements (minerals) are "more important factors in human nutrition than vitamins. The body can manufacture many vitamins, but it cannot produce necessary trace minerals or get rid of many possible excesses."

Unlike blood tests, hair tissue mineral analysis will not vary from day to day, and provides a long-term metabolic blueprint. A hair analysis indicates the overall level of minerals stored in your body over a period of time. It reveals the metabolic activity that occurs within the cells of your body and provides a blueprint of the biochemistry occurring during the period of hair growth and development. In other words, hair provides a record of past as well as present levels of trace elements in your body

Hair, like all other body tissues, contains minerals that are deposited as the hair grows. Although the hair is dead, the minerals remain as the hair continues to grow. A sample of hair cut close to the scalp provides past health history information about the mineral activity in the hair-because hair has the long-term memory of the body's health status.

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Trace Mineral Analysis

Hair tissue mineral analysis (TMA), is an analytical test that measures the mineral content of the hair.A hair sample when properly obtained, analyzed, and interpreted, can provide important information about your overall nutritional status. This includes the effects of diet, supplements, and stress. (We recommend that a nutritional hair test be updated every 4 to 6 months).  Testing is then performed using highly sophisticated detection equipment and methods to achieve the most accurate and precise results.

Human hair has been accepted as an effective test tissue for biological monitoring of toxic heavy metals by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and is being used for this purpose throughout the world. The use of hair has advantages over other tissues. The blood measures the component that is absorbed and temporarily in circulation before it is excreted and /or sequestered into storage depots. The status of a mineral can also give a strong indication of a vitamin need, especially when vitamin-mineral synergisms and antagonisms are taken into consideration.

Minerals comprise approximately four percent of our total body weight and include a wide variety of nutrients. Their functions range from providing structural support in the formation of bones and teeth, to maintaining the acid-base balance, water balance, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and enzyme functions. Some minerals participate in hundreds of biochemical processes, while others participate in only limited functions. Their role in health and disease is just now being validated via scientific research.

Why Should I Have a Hair Analysis?

Hair tissue mineral analysis can help anyone who is ill and has no explanation as to why, or the cause seems to be identified but the therapy is not effective. Hair tissue mineral analysis can open up a whole new approach to solving your own particular problem. Hair tissue mineral analysis is unique in that it is non-invasive and an inexpensive way to give information directly about cellular activity—the main site of nutritional metabolism. It indicates the nutritional content of the body's tissue, toxic heavy metals, the ratio of nutrients to heavy metal toxins, and the metabolism type. Blood work provides different information.

Hair is the second most metabolically active tissue in the body. The hair tissue is affected by the blood, perspiration, environment, genetics, hormones and enzymes. The hair represents what is occurring inside the cells and the sub-molecular figures of the body. A blood test shows what is happening outside the cell and the waste material being discarded. The hair gives a reading of what is being stored in the body. For example, if mercury is high in the hair, a higher concentration of it would also be found in organs like the kidney and liver.

A hair analysis gives a more complete picture of a person's health history. Our hair analysis test can show heavy metal toxicity, mineral deficiencies, nutritional deficiencies and some vitamin deficiencies which have occurred over a long period of time. For instance, magnesium is a "calming" mineral, so if it is low in your tissues, you may have muscle twitches or anxiety. Our hair analysis test will also show if there is an elevated mineral toxicity. This means that your minerals are getting stuck in the connective tissues of your body, instead of being utilized by your body. For instance if the "calming" mineral magnesium is elevated is your tissues it can also cause twitches or anxiety instead of relaxation. The key is that your minerals need to be in balance with each other so they can nourish your body properly as they are supposed to do. All minerals should be functioning optimally in your body so you can function at your optimal level.

Even without a severe health problem, abnormal changes in body chemistry and nutritional deficiencies may result in early, subtle changes in the body such as the following:

  • White spots in the nails, stretch marks, and lack of nail growth can indicate a possible zinc deficiency.

  • Longitudinal ridging in the nails may indicate an iron deficiency.

  • Brittle hair and nails can show a calcium and copper imbalance.

  • Autistic behaviors and mood swings can be linked to possible toxic metal accumulation like lead, mercury, or cadmium.

Hair tissue mineral analysis can help detect these early warning signs and help you prevent potential health problems.

Hair tissue mineral analysis is a screening test. Screening tests are extremely valuable in medicine, although they are not given the importance they deserve. No claims are made for the diagnosis, treatment, or cure of any disease or condition using hair tissue mineral analysis.


For Detailed information on Hair Analysis, visit


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Five Element Healing
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